Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Staff Book Review: Little Bee

Little Bee by Chris Cleave

With reluctance, I would say that Little Bee by Chris Cleave is a must read for anyone who wants to face the horrors done to "underdeveloped" communities for the sake of export...export of oil...export of foods not available to us because of our climate...export of goods at extreme profits. Chris Cleave is an expert at character development and the reader gives her heart to the inner life of the five major characters in this novel who depict perfectly the cultural conflict between those who have relatively nothing and are content and those who are forever discontent because they can never have enough. Little Bee stands as the voice in us all as she learns how to be as English as possible during her two years in a detention camp and yet maintains the voice within her from her simple happiness with her mother and sister before the "men" came to her village. I recommend this book highly...to be read only when you can reach the last page and go sit with a dear friend at our cafe upstairs and enjoy a cup of warming tea or strong coffee.

Reviewed by Janet Elfant

1 comment:

Marble granite countertops said...

I also recommend this book highly...to be read only when you can reach the last page and go sit with a dear friend at our cafe upstairs and enjoy a cup of warming tea or strong coffee.