Fan Website!
Check out the new and improved Scholastic Harry Potter fan website:
It's got magnified cover art (look for clues!), printable posters, and a special challenge: review each Harry Potter book in exactly seven words!
Preorders!The Big Blue Marble is now taking preorders for the seventh and final book in the series, due out July 21. The book will be sold at a 25% discount. Reserve yours today!
Release day events!Thursday and Friday, July 19 and 20:
Ongoing reading of Book 6, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Want to take a turn? Just stop in and offer!
Friday, July 20, 7:07pm:
Starting at 7 minutes after 7, anyone in costume will be eligible for our homemade costume contest!
Midnight, July 21, 12:00am:
The Midnight Release Party! Books will be released from their cages, and we will have games, prizes, and refreshments. Starting at 12:01, there will be a reading of Chapter 1 (and Chapter 1 only) of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Saturday, July 21, 10:00am:
Readings of The Deathly Hallows will continue during our regular store hours.